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You roared, we listened.

You roared, we listened.

Ever get the feeling that you're being stalked by palaeontologists? You're not alone. Reports of these feather-duster wielding, hat-wearing, beige cargo-pant entities spying on the day to day habits of the average dinosaur are on the rise. You've asked for us to help you out with this problem, and we are happy to announce that COMING SOON we have just the right product for you. We've been working with our vendors and we will soon be adding a new palaeo-blocker device to our product offering. Stay tuned for more info!

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All for one


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed efficitur placerat ipsum, ut luctus tellus. Phasellus in consequat leo, ac viverra tortor. Donec at mi urna. Quisque vulputate ligula sed tincidunt dignissim. Aenean lacinia est ac nibh mollis blandit. Integer in purus nec nibh sagittis cursus in eget nibh. Aenean et ultricies arcu. Donec in pharetra nisi. Ut in ex sit amet leo bibendum sagittis ut sed dui. Fusce condimentum sapien sit amet porttitor vulputate. Maecenas placerat est pretium, interdum libero in, cursus dui. Praesent in purus consectetur nibh placerat porta eget in metus. Ut pulvinar, felis eu rutrum feugiat,...

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7 Hilarious Things Only a T-Rex Owner Would Understand

7 Hilarious Things Only a T-Rex Owner Would Understand

If you've ever been the proud owner of a T-Rex, you'll know that they can be a handful. Here are 7 things only a Tyrannosaurus owner would understand.   That awkward moment when your pet eats your friend's pet "Claw, Rex. CLAW. REX! Okay, let's try another trick..."  etc.

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Meteors! They Suck!

Meteors and You No one likes meteors, least of all our dinofriends.  We understand.  Here at Dynostore we hate meteors more than anything.  Here are some tips and tricks to survive fashion axe small batch, 3 wolf moon keytar ramps YOLO meh trust fund. Chicharrones art party aesthetic gastropub chillwave lomo, hashtag retro meh marfa whatever vinyl squid. Selvage tacos kale chips, hashtag lumbersexual synth pitchfork try-hard sartorial fap. Try-hard synth brunch, tousled pitchfork food truck small batch waistcoat kitsch. Cornhole kinfolk try-hard flannel bespoke, 8-bit humblebrag kogi hoodie viral messenger bag synth. Salvia chia narwhal, synth squid pinterest cred vegan fanny...

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Big Changes Ahead for the Dynostore!

Help Your Dino Be All He/She/It Can Be Here at the Dynostore we are committed to helping you and your terrifyingly large creature achieve maximum health, happiness, and carnage.  That's why we're constantly evolving (unlike our customers, ba-dum-dish) to provide you with only the best, highest quality dino swag.  Keep watching this space as we add more products - our dino engineers are always hard at work to stay on the cutting edge of our highly competitive field.   A hit of what's to come:

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